Alhamdulillah, if its not because of u fluffy , mami and dedi never get the chance to meet TPS in person like this . Thank you @sacitycouncil for this incredible opportunity ❤️ #fybuathalapaharini #catsoftiktok #fluffyanakdedi #catopiashahalam
Iklan fy utk OPPO x One in a million dah keluar malam td masa live OIAM . Tp mami dedi tak dpt tgok . Luckily ada kakak yg tengok record and send kt mami . Alahaiii so proud of you good boy mami !! Siapa yg dpt record nnt share kt mami okay !!! #oppo #fluffyanakdedi #fybuathalapaharini #catsoftiktok
Replying to @a. anna❤️ bukan bag je tak bukak, kalau bawak barang pun tinggal situ je . Yg penting fy duluuuu #fluffyanakdedi #fybuathalapaharini #catsoftiktok