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Cailee Fischer  Tren Data (30 hari)

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Cailee Fischer Video Panas

Cailee Fischer
loaded chicken burger sweet potato boats!! Think of these like a deconstructed chicken burger…they were soooo good! I used the @Chosen Foods Chicken Sauce and it was 10/10!! 🤤 what you’ll need for the sweet potatoes: 2 large sweet potatoes salt, pepper, & garlic powder Chosen Foods Avocado Oil Spray for the meat mixture: 1lb ground chicken 1 tsp each of onion powder, garlic powder, salt, pepper, & paprika 3 tbsp Chosen Foods Chicken Sauce Toppings: Shredded cheddar cheese Romaine lettuce, chopped 1/2 white onion, finely diced Dill pickles, chopped Sesame seeds Chosen Foods Chicken Sauce instructions: 1. Start by preheating your oven to 400 degrees. 2. Poke holes with a fork into the sweet potato. Place in the microwave for 2 minutes. This will allow the cutting process to be much easier. 3. Once out of the microwave slice the sweet potato into 1-inch thick slices lengthwise. I can usually get about 4-5 slices out of one sweet potato. Add to a baking sheet, spray with some avocado oil, and season with salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Place in the oven for 20-25 minutes until they can easily be pierced with a fork. 4. While the sweet potatoes are cooking prep the chicken mixture. Add the ground chicken to a pan on medium heat and cook about 5-7 minutes until brown. 5. Add in the chicken seasoning along with 3 tbsp of the chicken sauce. Mix until well incorperated and set aside. 6. Once the sweet potatoes are out, place a few spoonfuls of the chicken mixture onto the sweet potato slices. Top each piece with cheddar cheese and place back in the oven for about 5 minutes until the cheese has melted. 7. Top with shredded lettuce, diced white onion, dill pickles, sesame seeds, and a drizzle of chosen foods chicken sauce. Enjoy! #easydinneridea #ChosenPartner
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