The secret to lose weight is to actually never feel hungry, you just have to switch to foods which will make you full for less calories. You can eat Haribos and track them but the chances are you’re going go to be hungry again in 20 minutes.. instead of eating a big plate of fruit for same or even less calories will make you full for hours! #besmart #nutrition #weightloss #LearnOnTikTok #GymTok #fitnesstips
Side delts is the most important muscle to focus on if you want to actually look bigger and wider. #gymfix #gymmistakes #fitnesstips #GymTok #gymbeginner
If you are looking to finally lock-in 2025, you really can do a lot in just 6 weeks! Take notes! #getinshape #getlean #nutritionplan #gymmistake #bodybuildingtips #fitnesstips
1 can a day can take the sweeth tooth away and save you more calories you can spend on actual food consumption. And please, do your research before you comment..
None are better than the good ‘ol water but if you decide to treat yourself, which one you would choose and why? #fitnesstok #diethacks #lowcalories #gymtips #fitnesstips