He’s so good about putting things back after he’s done! I know he gets that from mom because I’m nothing like that 😂😂😂😂 #kids #parenting #lessons #learning #mistakes #growing #caring #dadlife
Knee shoes for bilateral below knee amputees! So awesome! Thank you for sharing these with me👌 @Maria do SOL #brasil #kneeshoes #belowkneeamputee #supercool
He came and hugged me afterwards because he actually thought he was hurting me 😔🥹🥹 we laughed! It makes all the difference in the world 💙 #kids #blessing #laughter #Love #hugs #baby #amputeedad
Downloading tiktok was the best thing i ever did😌 it was a kids app and i never thought about it until the pandemic hit and i was eager to find him on here. It took me 7 years to realize that i still had a son out there that maybe.. just maybe wanted me in his life. I hope they dont take away this app because ive had an amazing experience and i will truly be grateful! #father #son #reconnect #hope #choices #ifoundhim #hefoundme #winning