Is your throat hurting and you are coughing a lot? Try this! #traditionalchinesemedicine #chinesemedicine #sorethroat #sorethroatremedy #coughing #cough #fyp #throathpain #kathyhealthtips
Do you get #irregularperiods ? There are many tips based on #traditionalchinesemedicine that have been very effective at regulating your #period ! Make sure to watch my youtube video under #kathyhealthtips to learn about #acupuncture points #acupressure exercises and #herbalmedicine that has been around for years!
Here’s a way to reduce your #wrinkles that you may not have known of! Try it out #neckwrinkles #facewrinkles #chinesemedicine #kathy #kathyhealthtips #foryou #antiageing #acupressure #acupuncture #backexercise