It’s getting surreal and emotional at the same time. When we started doing we were two young adults about to be parents for the first time. Scared of not knowing how we were going to raise a little human being. The world stopped and my wife lost her job due to covid. I was working two jobs trying to save up money to help at home in hopes my wife could stay home for at least 6 months. Little did we know that the pandemic would change all of that. I had to stop driving for lyft because of the uncertainty of the virus and scared of how it would impact my wife’s pregnancy. We started doing videos by accident my little nephew wanted me to download this new app call tiktok so he could use it when he would visit us. One we decided to make a video little did we know this app would change our lives forever. 4 years later we are in a different place in our lives. We became successful in this app. This app changed our lives in every way possible. My wife was able to stay home and watch our son grow, my skits got me in a movie, helped us buy a home. We now have two children and are in a better place in life because of this app because of this video. If this is our goodbye thank you @tiktok but most importantly thank you. We will see you everywhere else.
From A 100 square feet little room and having to walk out that room into another house to use the restroom and shower feels like a lifetime ago. From sleeping together in a twin size bed in the middle of South Central LA. Two young souls from different parts of the country who took a leap of faith. Baby there was no me it was Us who built everything together. You are my Ride Or Die To infintity and beyond ❤️ #fyp #trending #couples #kennalovescisco