We started this routine as soon as he transitioned to his crib from the bassinet at around 2 months. Factors that helped his sleeping through the night… ☀️ Day time: - Lots of natural light - Not letting naps go longer than 2 hours - Follow age appropriate wake window - Lots and lots of milk (feed on demand) - Use a hands up swaddle for naps (different than bedtime) - Lots of playtime 🌙 Bedtime (start around 7pm): - Lots of playtime/stimulation during last wake window - Magnesium lotion on feet by @8sheeporganics - Swaddle/sleep sack by @kytebaby - Last feed/red light right before bed - White noise all night - Bath time is 2x a week He was on NICU schedule where he would wake every 3 hours. I learned his cues which helped us move away from a strict schedule fairly quick. Because I made sure he was eating A LOT during the day, we removed the 2-3am feeding after we implemented the above for a few weeks. He didn’t even miss it, slept straight through the night. The key is consistency. If he happens to wake and get fussy in the early hours, we don’t pick up right away. We keep room dark, sound machine going, offer paci, a light touch/pat, say “shhhh” and wait/watch for 5-10 min. He usually always puts himself back to sleep and sleeps until anywhere between 6-7am! All babies are different I know, just wanted to share our experience and progress so far ❤️ #4monthsold #sleeptraining #momlife #boymom #postpartum