This sounds funny, but when you’re training to failure, you actually have to train to failure otherwise, it’s not training to failure. And no, that wasn’t brain rot. In other words, you have to attempt the rep and actually fail it rather than stop and tell yourself “oof that last rep was hard, there’s no way I can do another one” and then stop without attempting. Goodluck and stay safe! #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
A big misconception when it comes to dips is thinking you need to stay upright in order to bias the triceps on a dip. Truth is, it’s the elbow flare that dictates whether you’ll be getting more lower chest involved or not. Ideally, a narrower grip with minimal elbow flare will allow you to bias the triceps #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
If you’re ever in the situation where you need to do cardio and weight training in the same day, here’s the order you should follow to maximize muscle gains. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding #TikTokTaughtMe
While this will not directly fix the issue of having more biceps and forearm involvement (ultimately that is dictated by your arm path), a thumbless grip can help you shift your mental focus more to your back rather than your forearms. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
For the longest time I would do lat pullovers with the rope because I figured it’d feel more ergonomic than the straight bar. Then I realized, the rope just makes it harder to hold your grip compared to the straight bar. I’d still chalk this up to personal preference but if you want my recommendation — I’d go straight bar #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
The advantage of using cables on lateral raises is that you can manipulate the resistance profile of the movement based off of the height of the cables. And a way to make the cable lateral raise stretched focused is by raising the height of the cables to hand height. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
I get it, free weight preacher curls feel super sus when you first start doing them. But, the unilateral dumbbell version is literally the best biceps exercise imo. Regardless, if you choose to do preacher curls, don’t skip out on the bottom half of the movement or else that defeats the purpose of even doing them. So long as you avoid ego lifting and you’re in control— you will be fine 👍 #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
Ngl, after I started doing overhead tricep extensions in a way that I’m not limited by a rope (either isolateral like in a katana extension or unilateral) I’ll never go back to using a rope. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
If you have a weak incline barbell bench press, focusing on the bottom part of the range of motion where it’s hardest can get you stronger in that position. Thats why I always recommend incorporating pause rep-style bench pressing — in this case, Pause Rep Incline Barbell Bench Press #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
A lot of people think of the leg press as a good alternative to the barbell squat for those that get low back pain. Ironically, it’s also very possible to tweak your lower back if you allow your lumbar spine to bend at the bottom of a leg press (this is more likely to happen the higher your foot placement). Luckily, it’s pretty easy to avoid once you’re mindful of keeping that neutral spine and controlling the eccentric so you’re not divebonbing. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
If you’re doing dumbbell hammer curls without a back rest, I recommend doing the cross body variation and alternating. Not because you’re inherently training the brachioradialis/ brachialis more by internally rotating the shoulder… but rather it is simply gonna be more stable since the center of mass will be closer to your body. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
One of the biggest mistakes I noticed people make is overly fixating on weight as the sole metric for progress. This paints an incomplete picture of your overall progress leading to discouragement or even worse, heading in the wrong direction altogether. Not to say tracking weight isn’t useful at all because it can def be relevant. Just don’t lose sight of other metrics such as strength, relative body fat % and well, looking in the mirror. After all, we’re not walking around with a bubble overhead displaying our weight. Top form @AYBL — C0DE “PATH” for an extra 10% off #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding #beaybl
If you’re doing Bayesian cable curls from hand height, here’s how you can make them even better (IMHO) and more stable at the shoulder joint #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
If your biceps are fatiguing on lat pulldowns before your lats, you’re likely pulling with more elbow flexion than shoulder extension / adduction. In other words, focus on getting your elbows down to the side of your body rather than simply getting the bar down #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
This may warrant an entire explanation, but the best way to maximize the involvement of your entire abs isn’t to simply curl as tightly as possible like a fruit rollup. This is because on a bodyweight ab crunch the direction of resistance is bound by gravity (directly downward)… thus there is little to no resistance on the upper abs in the last 1/3 of the crunch where the direction of spinal flexion is horizontal (rather than vertical against gravity). So instead, if you aim upwards in the second half of the range of motion, sure we won’t shorten the abs as much technically, but we’ll be able to maintain more resistance on the entire rectus abdominis (notably the mid to lower abs) since we’re getting spinal flexion more directly against gravity (the resistance) #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
The barbell bent over row is one of the tougher exercises to maintain proper form. To the point, that holding the bent over position is likely a limiting factor in the movement. With that said, a smith machine bent over row is a lot more forgiving especially if it’s slanted since you won’t have to bend down as far. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
If you’re struggling with dumbbell lateral raises, perhaps you feel it more in your arms or traps and you’re not sure how to bias the side delts. Here is the guide to having an optimized dumbbell lateral raise #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
Reverse curls can be a viable option for training the other elbow flexors like the brachialis and brachioradialis… if you don’t lose your grip. Thus, a way to make this exercise better is to take the grip out of the movement by using a cuff #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
If you’re getting some lateral action on pull-ups, it’s unnecessary. Ideally the path of a pull-up should be pretty much straight up if your goal is to train the lats. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding