If you’re only relying on compound movements (presses) for your triceps training, here’s why you’re really only training 2/3s of the triceps sufficiently and what you should do instead. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding #TikTokTaughtMe
One of the most popular ways to perform the cable lateral raise is to do it leaning tower of Pisa style. This way, you get a more lengthened resistance profile… oh wait, we can do the same in a more stabler way by simply raising the height of the cables to hand height. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
One of the biggest mistakes if your goal is to maximize muscle growth is taking too short of rest times. Of course some exercises don’t always need a full 2 minutes of rest. But, if you’re resting less than 1 min in between sets — you’re likely not gonna be fully recovered. This may seem counterintuitive to rest 2+ minutes since you might not have as big of a pump. But, the pump doesn’t dictate muscle growth. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
IMO the best way to perform the decline ab crunch is to reach upwards instead of staying curled up. This is entirely due to the line of resistance (gravity) being directly downwards. If you reach up, you’re likely getting more resistance on your abs throughout the rom versus being curled up where there’s less resistance in the more shortened part of the range of motion. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
The smith machine incline bench press can be a great chest exercise if you take the time to properly set the bench perfectly. The exercise is incredibly stable while not limiting on the rom unlike some machine chest presses Luckily, this doesn’t have to take 5 mins if you take the pointers mentioned #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
The Bayesian cable curl / single arm cable pulldown is a great exercise for growing the biceps. But if you tend to feel it more in your front delts or are prone to bringing your shoulders forward, I recommend raising the cables up high and leaning over as it’s much easier to keep your shoulders back. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
For those wondering why you’re not feeling it nearly as much in your biceps on hammer curls — that is the point of the exercise. Here’s why the hammer curl consistently makes it onto many arm workout lists despite not being a good biceps exercise. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding #TikTokTaughtMe
The conventional lat pulldown is prolly my favorite lat exercise. With that said, there are a lot of small (but common) mistakes that are likely hindering your back gains. Here’s how to avoid the big ones :) #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
No joke, this lying machine lateral raise on the hip abductor might be better than the lying cable lateral raise since you’re supported at the elbow vs hands/wrists lol. Only issue is if you’re over 5’9, you might not fit and the machine ends the range of motion just shy of 90 degrees. Gonna be experimenting with HEAVY “lengthened partials” on this one #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
If you have the equipment, there are many better ways to do a tricep kickback than with a dumbbell. One way, is by setting a cable high, lean your body back with your arm still next to your side so that you end up extending with the shoulder behind your body still. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
Adjusting the seat height on the incline hammer strength is probably the most important thing you should do before jumping into your set. Ideally you want to be pressing with a somewhat tucked arm path (around 45 degrees) and I would recommend locking out softly since the machine converges. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
If you’re trying to focus on the upper chest, the low to high cable fly can be a good accessory exercise to incorporate. Now I see many different ways ppl set up this movement. Imo, minimizing biceps involvement and maintaining roughly ~45 degrees of shoulder abduction while allowing the chest to get a stretch is the key to this movement. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding #TikTokTaughtMe
If your lateral raises feel off, maybe you end up not really feeling it in your side delts and instead feel it in your traps, biceps or front delts… this explanation will be extremely helpful. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
If you have to choose between a chair or bench for dumbbell shoulder press, I would take the bench any day. Also, I recommend turning the dumbbells in a bit so that you’re pressing in your scapular plane which should allow you to more comfortably hit an ideal depth in the range of motion (I recommend just breaking 90 degrees. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
Weighted ab crunch is probably the top 3 most incorrectly performed exercises in the gym. The key thing to understand is you want to keep your hips out of the movement or else it’ll be hard to actually engage the abs — backing up a bit helps. Once your hips are stabilized you should focus on purely bending and extending at the spine like a noodle. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
If you’re doing lat pullovers with a rope, I recommend at least TRYING a straight bar instead so your grip will be less of a limiting factor. Additionally, if your goal is to bias the lats, I’d end the rom right at around eye level (no need to go way overhead). #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
The leg extension is a fairly simple exercise. However, always take the time to properly adjust the seat position and shin rest so that the axis of rotation aligns with the knee. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
So you’ve prolly heard that you should be using leg drive on a bench press for an overall stronger and more stable bench press… but how exactly do you use leg drive? Let’s find out. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding