The smith machine incline bench press can be a great chest exercise if you take the time to properly set the bench perfectly. The exercise is incredibly stable while not limiting on the rom unlike some machine chest presses Luckily, this doesn’t have to take 5 mins if you take the pointers mentioned #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
The Bayesian cable curl / single arm cable pulldown is a great exercise for growing the biceps. But if you tend to feel it more in your front delts or are prone to bringing your shoulders forward, I recommend raising the cables up high and leaning over as it’s much easier to keep your shoulders back. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
If you tend to have trouble keeping your shoulder in place on Tricep Pushdown I recommend trying the carter extension — which is essentially a single arm tricep pushdown supported at the shoulder joint. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
If you’re doing lat pullovers with a rope, I recommend at least TRYING a straight bar instead so your grip will be less of a limiting factor. Additionally, if your goal is to bias the lats, I’d end the rom right at around eye level (no need to go way overhead). #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
Weighted ab crunch is probably the top 3 most incorrectly performed exercises in the gym. The key thing to understand is you want to keep your hips out of the movement or else it’ll be hard to actually engage the abs — backing up a bit helps. Once your hips are stabilized you should focus on purely bending and extending at the spine like a noodle. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
I previously made a video on why the carter extension is worth trying since you can stabilize the shoulder joint to better train the triceps all the way to failure. With that said, I realized I didn’t do a good job of explaining how to perform the carter extension so here’s a more in depth tutorial. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
Someone told me to try the frieza pose. Makes me look a bit chungus but that may have more to do with my diet habits as of late more than my the pose itself. Fit from @AYBL — C0DE “PATH” for 10% off #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding #beaybl
The single arm preacher curl is one of the best biceps exercises… if you go all the way down. But many lifters are afraid to get that full range of motion so here’s how to do it safely and comfortably #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding #TikTokTaughtMe
Let’s say someone colossal in the gym (like @VJROD ) asks you to spot him on bench press in the gym… well, here’s how to spot on bench press properly so you’re not pissing them off by touching too early OR worse, too late. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
Is cardio limiting your gains? Short answer: it indirectly can. Here are the main ways cardio can be impacting your pursuit of building muscle. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding #TikTokTaughtMe
If you have weak rear delts and the weights for cable rear delt flys still feel too heavy, a way to decrease the resistance is by coming closer to the cables and allowing the elbow to bend (thus shortening the moment arm). I’ve even seen some do a mechanical dropset by starting with a straight arm and slowly bending the arm everytime you hit failure with the longer moment arm - first saw this dropset idea done by JPGcoaching so credits to him. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
The incline dumbbell curl can be a solid exercise to train elbow flexion because it is a more stable variant of a normal arm at your side bicep curl. With that said, you don’t want the incline to be too low (I’d say 45-60 degrees works great) and you better pin your shoulders back if you want to be training the elbow flexors. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
The straight bar tricep pushdown is likely the Tricep pushdown variation that will allow you to handle the most weight. With that said, it becomes that much more important to set the movement up so that you’re not wasting energy and making it harder on yourself than it needs to be. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding #TikTokTaughtMe
IMHO I don’t recommend leaning your body forward on a seated row to better stretch lats since you’ll likely get less tension on the lats due to momentum. Plus, a row movement like this one is already a shortened focused exercise. If you really want to stretch the lats, perhaps a vertical pull in your saggital plane would be a better option #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
Contrary to the name, you should not actually touch the bar to your forehead when you do skullcrushers. Instead, the bar should clear above your head and arc around it. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
One of the best ways to make a workout more efficient is my incorporating antagonistic supersets. These are supersets done with 2 exercises that do not involve the same muscle groups (and thus avoiding fatigue impacting the 2nd exercise). One good example: Incline dumbbell curls for the biceps / brachialis / brachioradialis supersets with skullcrushers for the triceps. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
If you’re using the narrow v grip on a lat pulldown; here’s why I believe there are better options out there for a saggital plane lat pulldown. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding #TikTokTaughtMe
The setup for any smith machine exercise is extra crucial because of its linear bar path. Here’s how to properly setup for incline smith machine press if your goal is to bias the upper chest. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding #TikTokTaughtMe
The JM press is a great way to bias the lateral and medial head of the triceps while also not getting a whole lot of chest involved. However, free weight JM press can feel kinda crunchy on the elbows or shoulder so what works surprisingly well is a machine JM Press using a converging chest press. This way, you have the security that comes with using a machine as you learn the JM Press movement pattern #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding
Here’s the best setup for pull-ups if your goal is to maximize lat growth: Feet together + hollow pose with core engaged to create more stability. Head back behind arms at all time to keep tension on the lats. #fyp #Fitness #gym #bodybuilding Outfit from @AYBL — C0DE “PATH” for 10% off #fyp #fitness #gym #bodybuilding #beaybl