I know not everyone has the best stays in psychiatric wards, but at the one I was at, I couldn’t fault the staff, the care, the experience, and everything in between. Without the stay, I wouldn’t be here today. I’m forever grateful that I had the opportunity to be able to access this type of care, and I’m so thankful that I was heard, cared for & looked after so well. I sobbed whilst making this, remembering the good times and the bad. Gratitude is so important, and if I had to do this again, I would. Thank you hospital for saving my life. I was so unwell that I didn’t even know my name, and now I can say it proudly & know that I did this. I started my recovery journey❤️🩹
I am proud of every single person struggling through right now. You can get through it. You WILL get through it. If I can choose recovery, so can you❤️🩹
3 months ago today I was admitted to a psychiatric hospital in the attempt to save my life after nearly losing it 5 days prior. I didn’t think there was any coming back from the episode I was in this time round. It felt different. It felt final. I couldn’t see a future. But I knew in the back of my mind that I had given my family & friends the biggest scare of their lives & now it was time to owe them what they deserved, which was a ‘better’ Phee. Someone who could hold a conversation properly & not in a state of confusion 24/7. So they made the choice & I didn’t fight back. It was time for me to get some help, properly. I left home in a daze. I didn’t know the time or the day. The arrival is such a blur. I couldn’t tell you what happened in the 1st week being on the ward. And then the medication changes began. 1,2,3,4. And they weren’t stopping there. 5,6,7 & then finally 8 after 5 solid weeks of hell. The physical side effects from the withdrawals & the different medication getting into my system was the worst thing to deal with on top of a mind that wasn’t functioning properly, but we all knew it had to be done to get me into a better place. The support from the staff & my therapists kept me alive, & even though I hated not being allowed out or not having half of my stuff, it kept me safe and here to tell the tale. As the medication started to kick in & the therapy started to click, the restrictions started to lift ever so slightly. From 2 weeks of not leaving the building, to walks on grounds with staff. From not having any of my stuff, to being trusted with more of my belongings. There were blips & incidents, blips & incidents, blips & incidents. But recovery isn’t linear right?! After staying double the amount of time we thought I would, I then left 2 months later feeling more stable, clearer minded & SAFE. I am so incredibly grateful for the support & love I was given during my time inpatient & now also on the outside world. The transition has been tough, & it’s weird being in ‘life’ again after a break that felt like a lifetime, but I can honestly say that taking that step to save my life really has actually been successful. Thank you to everyone who has supported me during this awful time. From friends to family to followers. You all mean the world to me & I’m so glad you stuck by❤️🩹