@YSL Beauty lippies are iconic for a reason! my search for long lasting, comfy designer lip products are OVER. these are super luxurious dan tahan lama. cocok banget untuk dipake sehari-hari, apalagi untuk events (packagingnya cakep pol) which shade do you have ur eyes on?💄💋 #yslbeautyid #ysltheink
#ad walaupun capek banget, tapi tetep aja sih nangih soalnya seharian seneng bgt buat temen gue. so happy for her!💋 bangun hampir 24 jam, untung makeup anti-badia thanks to my new loreal 3.. 2..1.. setting mist! @L’Oreal Paris Makeup & Hair #3detikchallenge #Settingspraycore #racunloreal #Settingsprayviral #LOrealMakeupId #makeup #sponsored
Gila makin keren aja merk koper satu ini. Di sini yang masih suka bingung mau bawa servis koper dimana pasti… BANYAK. LOJEL hadir dengan one day servicenya (hanya ada di Lotte Mall) di new concept store🤍 Siapa di sini yang pengen servis koper kalian?? #lottemall ##serviskoper #lokejel