Waiiit! 🖐🏾 When my lil’ tornados 🌪️ say “daddy we got two minutes to rock this dance” 🕺 💃 And the confident walk away high five 🙌🏾 drip like I actually just did something 😂
What started off with my two tornadoes, Jazzy & Tia asking, "Daddy can we just put some eye shadow on you" and me saying - "yes but make it quick and make it cool, because I gotta go to the gym" #hellodarknessmyoldfriend #papabearduties 1-18-25 (hey I know they won't always be little or prefer hanging out with daddy when they're older, but they'll always be my baby girls so I'll take this abuse all day long - bring it on 😂)
Cheers to sexy eyes 👁️🔥and my big ass forehead 👨🏽🦲 Our @Papatui Ageless Action Eye Patches are finally here 👊🏾 and you know I’m coming outta the gates in BLACK 😉 #sexyeyes #papatui #backinblack
5 years ago today, January 15th 2020, I lost my dad 🕊️ We got into a huge fight during Christmas, so we weren’t speaking at the time of his sudden passing. Wish I reconciled but it was too late. What I’d give to have just 5 more minutes, to hug him hard, kiss his cheek and say “I love you and we’re good”. I know a lot of my guys out there have complicated relationships with your dads - just like I did - and maybe you aren’t communicating because of unresolved stuff. Whatever the issue, I strongly recommend you reconcile it and make it whole. You don’t want to live the alternative where it’s too late, and you wake up one morning and realize you have to write your dad’s eulogy. I don’t want that for you, so go take care of that relationship while you still have your dad around. Give him a call, start with that. Thanks for the lessons, Soulman and as you always said, the show must go on 🕊️ See you down the road
Thank you around the world for the positive energy and positive support — hundreds of thousands of good people and loving families who’ve been affected by these devastating wildfires. So many lost everything. Heartbreaking to see, but the resilience of the people of Los Angeles is already beginning to shine through. To all our first responders with boots on the ground and eyes in the sky — our gratitude is boundless. Brothers and Sisters, THANK YOU for tirelessly and relentlessly fighting 24/7 to hold the line. I look forward to one day thanking you in person and shaking your hands 🫱🏾🫲🏼 ~ dj
My current leg workout: Love putting squats at the END of my leg training, since my legs are completely fried and more shaky than a cup of jello riding shotgun in my pickup🦵🏾🛻 Here’s current leg workout - warm up 10min cardio - foam roller, leg kicks, stretching - 3 sets adductors - 3 sets barbell glute raises * 4 monster sets all four exercises performed back to back no rest until final exercise in complete - 45 degree leg press - vertical leg press - walking DB lunges - leg extension - barbell squats finishers * lighter weight 225lbs max 2-4 sets depending on how much of a little bitch I am 😂 reverse engineering my workouts like this (especially leg day) has allowed for great steady progress and gains - while not destroying my joints. I’ve beaten the hell outta my body up enough over the years, I’m good now 👍🏾🤪 Stay strong, train smart, have a productive week.
My dad was a strong, tough guy, and hardened by all the different kind of beatings life gave him, but I know he ALWAYS appreciated (and smiled!) receiving “his flowers” for all the challenges he overcame and road he paved for all of us of color, and all of us of ANY color. I get emotional in moments like this because it’s the great reminder to always be as present as possible with your loved ones, because we just never know what’s around the corner and when, just like that — they’re gone. My old man wasn’t a big “I love you” guy, but he would always say three things to me as a kid that always stuck with me ⚓️ - a day without pain, is like a day without sunshine. - respect is given when it’s earned, so go out and earn it. - the show must go on. Love you dad, see you down the road and thank you for paving the way. #RockyJohnson #Soulman #BlackHistoryMonth
History has been made 👊🏾 Good to see old friends and see you down the road. PS- Thank you for biggest arena gate in the history of the @WWE Teremana time 🥃 ~final boss @Netflix x #WWE
Besides having my three daughters, my Samoan High Chief Title, High Chief Seiuli is one of the greatest honor of my life. I gave my word and made a commitment 20 years ago to his Highness High Chief Maleatoa Tunamafili II and to our people of Samoa, that I would “leave my boyish ways behind” (well, I try 😅) and carry my Samoan, Polynesian, and Black culture around the world with great respect, pride, kindness, MANA, humility, and warrior spirit. Fa’a Samoa (the Samoan way) After 20yrs of proudly carrying our culture with me around the world, I can’t wait to soon return back home to Samoa. I already have chills just thinking about it 🇼🇸❤️💪🏾 Until then, I’ll come back home to @WWE tomorrow night as we make history on @Netflix and begin a new and exciting era. Tomorrow night is dedicated to my grandfather, the High Chief Peter Maivia, my grandmother, Lia Maivia and my dad, Rocky “Soulman” Johnson and my ancestors who have ALL paved the way. ~ High Chief Seiuli
2025’s music has begun. Set your intentions, move with humility, control the controllables and starve the negative noise. Mana is real. Happy & Healthy New Year to you and your families 🥂💫🫱🏾🫲🏼 ❤️ and crush the f&$k outta your cheat meals 😈
Poured myself a tequila 🥃, sitting at my desk and watching one of my all time favorite movies on a Saturday night - but a certain someone sending me strong “I know you see me muthaf*%*ka - so put me on the couch so we can watch the movie together” vibes 📺🎲💰
So cool (I’m so grateful) to feel the global embrace of our Polynesian culture and the story of MOANA. Special shout out to my grandfather in heaven, the High Chief Peter Maivia 🕊️ 💪🏾 - the man who was my inspiration for the spirit and look of MAUI. Enjoy the movie and though we can never see it - always keep looking “beyond the reef” ~ maui🪝 #moana2 #disneyplus
Gratitude & Weather - both profoundly impact my life 🤪 Powerful quote from my guy @Inky Johnson “If you’ve forgotten the language of gratitude, then you’ll never be on speaking terms with happiness” Took a quick break from my training to share some gratitude perspective - tune in and give me yours. Enjoy your weekend. #gratitude #weather #goodstuff