The twisted greed of corporate America: steal an independent designer’s creation, make money off of my product while I remain unpaid, and instead pay your lawyers to gaslight me and threaten to sue me. Nah. That’s not how I do business. @Nordstrom and @Gottex are treating me like an annoying little insect they can squash at any moment with their big bully corporate dollars. Well guess what? Corporations are run on the money of the consumer - YOUR HARD EARNED DOLLARS. Without your money, they have nothing. I can’t believe they don’t understand that?? WELL LET’S MAKE THEM UNDERSTAND. I need your help to share this video and EXPOSE Nordstrom and Gottex. I tried to keep this classy and private but unfortunately their behavior left me with no choice but to make this a very public matter.
this shirt is really 4 shirts in 1 so girl math says it’s a steal 🤌 Blogilates for @target is already selling out so quickly and only around for just a few more weeks so get it before it’s gone forever!! Btw been loving your TikTok’s so muchhhh - I’m watching them all! ❤️
$20.99!? 🫢 online sale ends 1/25 @target Also THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for showing your support for my collection at Targe these past few weeks. I still can’t believe some of the pics you guys are sending me of sold out Blogilates displays. Like WHAT!?? The power of our community…the love from YOU GUYS…I just feel so grateful. So lucky. For you. ❤️Cassey #BlogilatesForTarget
Disappointed. What are you doing @Nordstrom? The resolution is easy. I’m right here. I never thought I’d be praising SHEIN ever for anything but here we are. I also thought Nordstrom was all about their outstanding customer service but I’ve been left on read. We sent the original C&D to Nordstrom in December. Since posting my video on Monday, there has been no progress. Only ostrich behavior. @Gottex shut off all their comments on IG to silence you guys and Nordstrom posted an IG influencer collab video in the midst of this crossfire which resulted in thousands of comments on this poor girl’s post, meant for Nordstrom. Is this how your corporation likes to treat creators and small businesses?